minimal elegance

hinge for big high quality pivot doors

The new hinge for big pivot doors, designed and built by Aldeghi Luigi Spa, can be used with doors of any size and weight up to 500 kg. The two elements that make up the system are completely embedded in the door, respecting the aesthetics. To the floor and ceiling are fixed the supports of the pins, consisting of small plates and are therefore practically invisible. Easy installation and simple adjustment of the door axiality, make it the ideal choice for heavy, high quality materials built doors, such as wood, metal and glass. The different systems have the upper element in common, while they differ from each other in the lower element, which is available in different versions, with different characteristics.


Adjustable upper part + Adjustable lower part for aligning of the door

Fixed floor plate


Adjustable upper part + fixed upper part

Fixed floor plate


Adjustable upper part + fixed upper part

Adjustable floor plate


Adjustable upper part + fixed upper part with door retainer every 90°

Adjustable floor plate


Adjustable upper part + fixed upper part with door retainer every 90°

Adjustable floor plate

KIT composed by upper and lower hinge. Pin goes up and down , adjusting it with the supplied special key, so to allow the correct installation of the door. It’s possible to adjust the parallelism of the door acting on upper hinge and to adjust vertical aligning acting on lower hinge. The floor plate is fixed. Door rotation is free on 360°.

KIT composed by upper and lower hinge. Pin goes up and down , adjusting it with the supplied special key, so to allow the correct installation of the door. It’s possible to adjust the parallelism of the door acting on upper hinge. The floor plate is fixed. Door rotation is free on 360°.

KIT composed by upper and lower hinge. Pin goes up and down , adjusting it with the supplied special key, so to allow the correct installation of the door. It’s possible to adjust the parallelism of the door acting on upper hinge. The floor plate is adjustable and allows the aligning between door and jamb from handle side. Door rotation is free on 360°.

KIT composed by upper and lower hinge. Pin goes up and down , adjusting it with the supplied special key, so to allow the correct installation of the door. It’s possible to adjust the parallelism of the door acting on upper hinge. The floor plate is adjustable and allows the aligning between door and jamb from handle side. Door rotation is free on 360°, with slow moving stop every 90°.

KIT composed by upper and lower hinge. Pin goes up and down , adjusting it with the supplied special key, so to allow the correct installation of the door. It’s possible to adjust the parallelism of the door acting on upper hinge. The floor plate is adjustable and allows the aligning between door and jamb from handle side. Door rotation is free on 360°, with slow moving stop every 90 and 20° return before the stop position.



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